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Wincrest Annual Meeting for Wincrest Home Owners
Thursday, April 11 @ 6:30 pm
The Bandon Oaks Club House
2333 Brandon Oaks Parkway

Catch up on the board meeting notes on our website:

Have questions now? Email questions in advance and get answers sooner.



Easter Egg Hunt

Sunday, March 24 at 2:00 p.m.

Located at the common area along the walking path between Coral Bell and Blazing Star

Prizes and treats for the kids

Interested in attending?

Email us at

so we know how many eggs, prizes and treats to provide.




Easter Egg Hunt

Sunday, April 2nd at 3:00 p.m.

Located at the common area along the walking path between Coral Bell and Blazing Star

Prizes and treats for the kids

Interested in attending?

Email us at

so we know how many eggs, prizes and treats to provide.




Wincrest HOA Annual Meeting:

Thursday, April 20th at 6:30

Located at:

Monroe Fire Department

Station 4

3907 Old Charlotte Highway

Agenda details to follow and will include a vote on dues increase.

The increase depends on YOUR VOTE.

We will send an email, post out front and put out fliers.




Read the latest Board Meeting notes from our meeting on 3/30/22:



After the hit and run perpetrator was caught on the security camera and reported to the police, he was located and charged. We received his insurance information, got a quote to repair the damaged area, filed a claim with his insurance and have received a check for the repairs. Repairs will being soon. 



Hit and Run!

On 1/21/22 a person damaged the front of the neighborhood around 3:00 am and fled the scene. The Board is working with the police to find the perpetrator. 



What's up with the CAMERA at the front of the neighborhood????

Wincrest has partnered with Flock Safety, a national neighborhood security provider that specializes in community safety through the use of license plate reading cameras. Flock works directly with Union County Sheriff's Department. If a stolen vehicle, or an amber alert vehicle drives into our neighborhood, UCSD is notified IMMEDIATELY through the camera technology, License plates are the #1 piece of evidence that police request in the case of criminal activity such as home and car break-ins. Flock Safety’s cameras are entirely self-sufficient; they are solar powered and send footage via mobile technology to a secure cloud-based network unique to our community. The cameras record footage but also have both day and night-time capability to read and record license plates that pass through our community.

Privacy is a top concern for Flock and Wincrest. The footage and data that is collected is automatically deleted after 30 days and is accessible only by limited members of the board. In the event of a crime, access can be shared and footage can be downloaded and stored by either the community or local authorities.

Despite this technology, it is just a camera. The #1 way to deter crime is a responsibility we each own individually: lock your doors and keep your valuables out of sight. We are fortunate to live in such a safe neighborhood, but we believe that this service will both further deter mischief crimes and provide a valuable resource to our residents.

In case you didn't attend the Annual Meeting, this was voted on and approved by the attendees. You can read the notes from the meetings on the MEETING NOTES page of this website. Also, as an FYI, many neighborhoods around us also have these cameras. Details on our due diligence were provided at the Annual Meeting,

CLICK HERE FOR IMAGES FROM OUR CAMERA- FYI the car in these images is Jennifer's so no privacy concerns :) - and notice the tortoise sticker !



Indian Trail Temporary Parking Permits:

Have you heard about the NEW temporary parking permits? 

The Indian Trail Division of the Union County Sheriff’s Office, in partnership with the Town of Indian Trail, will be piloting a temporary parking permit program beginning Oct. 1 and ending Dec. 31. If the program is successful, it will be continued into the new year. There will be no charge for the permits.

Click this link for more details.

You can also see all of Indian Trails parking regulations by clicking this link:



The latest News Letter from Indian Trail:


HOA Board meeting notes available on the Meeting Notes page.


HOA meeting tonight! 6:30p.m.

Indian Trail Town Hall in the Cultural Arts Room

315 Matthews Indian Trail Road, Indian Trail

Attendees MUST wear facial covering per order of Indian Trail Town Hall.

See you there! 


REMINDER: Wincrest HOA Annual Meeting

August 11, 2021 at 6:30p.m.

Indian Trail Town Hall in the Cultural Arts Room

315 Matthews Indian Trail Road, Indian Trail

WHY should YOU attend????

New business to discuss:

Landscaping – How they’ve managed the common areas. (FYI they have struggled, like all service industries, with hiring workers).

Lighting – more street & walking path lighting or not? Should nearly $10,000 be spent?

ELECTIONS! 3 board member positions with voting rights are OPEN and need to be filled

Communications – Announcements on the Facebook & website Announcement pages

The Budget


Violations- CC&R violation concerns vs Town, County & State ordinances

Security camera at the front of the neighborhood

Come join us.


Email from Town of Indian Trail Abbey Ball Communications Director: Peddler's Ordinance

Good afternoon,


We’ve been hearing a lot of concern lately from residents about door-to-door sales. Please remind your residents that Indian Trail has a Peddler’s Ordinance that was passed by the Town Council last year. The Peddler’s Ordinance requires any business that plans to sell door to door to:

Pay a $100 application fee for a 14-day permit

Furnish a $1,000 bond

Undergo a background check and fingerprinting


All sales representatives are required to have documentation on them that includes their permit number, and they can only go door to door between 9 a.m. and 7 p.m. If the salesperson can not produce their permit number, or if they are soliciting outside of those hours, residents should report them to the Sheriff’s Office.


The goal of the Peddler’s Ordinance is to help ensure only legitimate businesses are going door to door and protect residents from fraud and other dangers.


If you have any questions, please let me know. You can also direct residents to call Town Hall at 704-821-5401 and ask for the Planning Department.


Thank you,


Abbey Ball

Communications Director


Town of Indian Trail

315 Matthews-Indian Trail Road

PO Box 2430

Indian Trail, NC 28079


Phone: 704-821-5401 ext. 228


Website: www.indiantrail.org8/5/2021


From Indian Trail News letter: BULK PICK UP

We are the orange week which is NEXT week!


Save the Date! Bulk Pick up:

Wincrest is the ORANGE week August 6- 12


Indian Trail Peddlers Ordinance:

Click the link to review IT Peddlers Ordinance.


Annual HOA Meeting:

Wincrest HOA Annual Meeting

August 11, 2021 at 6:30p.m.

Indian Trail Town Hall in the Cultural Arts Room

315 Matthews Indian Trail Road, Indian Trail

WHY should YOU attend????

Do you want more lighting on the walking paths OR do you think that would be a waste of money? Do you like it DARK or do you want MORE LIGHT??? Have a SAY by coming out and VOTING!!!

ELECTIONS ELECTIONS ELECTIONS!!!! President, VP and Secretary positions must be filled. Gary, Alaina and Kyle were kind enough to extend their terms during the pandemic. NOW it is TIME for NEW board members.

Suggestions for things to be added to the website.


Indian Trail Newsletter:


LOCK YOUR CAR DOORS! Video camera footage shows a person with a flashlight searching cars in the driveway. So remember to LOCK the doors and feel free to share video footage on the Facebook page.


From The Town of Indian Trail: Indian Trail has launched a new online service request system for residents. To submit a request, residents should visit the Town’s website and click on the Submit a Request icon on the homepage. They can also go directly to The first time they visit, they will be asked to create an account. By creating an account, they will be able to receive updates on their requests and see a list of all requests they’ve submitted.


Wincrest Community Yard Sale: Our Yard Sale is Saturday, June 5, 2021 from 7:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.


Doggie doo doo: Please don't forget to pick up after your furry friends.


BULK PICK: Bulk Pick up is coming! Thursday, May 13, 2021.


HOA DUES: As a courtesy during these trying times, Wincrest Board of Directors has extended the HOA due date until 7/31/21 without penalty due to the pandemic.




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